CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHC50121 Diploma of Early
Childhood Education and Care
You may be eligible for government funded courses adelaide if you live or work in South Australia, and you are:
And are:
Concession Eligibility Status
The following students are eligible for a concession rate on fees
A) At the commencement of the training in a unit of competency in the course, the participant holds a current:
B) The participant is a prisoner
Note: For the purposes of this clause “Prisoner” is all prison inmates, detainees, people on remand, those held in South Australian institutions in connection with the commission of an offence and extends to children in South Australian detention centres who are beyond the age of compulsory schooling.
South Australians aged 16 years or older, who are or have been under a Guardianship order of a Government Minister in Australia, are eligible to access fee-free courses on the Subsidised Training List with contracted Training Providers. The usual subsidised training eligibility rules apply
A Participant enrolled in a Course for which a Participant Course Fee can be charged will be eligible for a Participant Course Fee concession if:
(a) at the commencement of Training in a Unit of Competency in the Course, the Participant holds a current:
(ii) Pensioner Concession Card; or
(iii) Veteran Affairs Concession Card.
(b) the Participant is a Prisoner.
Upfront Assessment of Need (UAN)
Undertaking the UAN is a requirement
All individuals who are seeking access to a subsidised training place, regardless of prior educational attainment, are required to participate in the UAN process. This is a condition of accessing publicly funded training places. There are no exceptions however, modification of the UAN process is possible, please contact us for information. Individuals who are unwilling to participate fully in all aspects of the UAN process may instead choose to undertake training through fee for service arrangements.
Learner Support Services (LSS)
Learner Support Services (LSS) provide case management support to help participants address life, learning and other issues, and complete their training and transition to employment.
SAI will refer their participants, including apprentices and trainees, to an LSS provider.
Learner Support Services are fully funded by the Department and are fee-free to students
Students who are facing significant barriers to completing their training, can access the LSS services.
Standard Entitlement Criteria
Until further notice, students can continue to access subsidised training regardless of their training history or prior qualifications.
Standard entitlement after this time will include the following entitlement based on an individual’s highest level of non-school education and their employment status at first enrolment in subsidised VET.
Entitlement is based on an individual’s highest level of non-school education and their employment status at first enrolment in subsidised VET.
Status at first enrolment: No non-school qualifications OR unemployed and registered with an Employment Services Provider:
Entitlement to subsidised training:
Status at first Enrolment: Certificate II level or below:
Entitlement to subsidised training:
Status at first Enrolment: Certificate III level or above:
Entitlement to subsidised training:
Call Skills Australia Institute at +61 8 8120 4186 OR email
Please note that completion of the Skills Australia application form does not guarantee enrolment in government funded courses Adelaide, SA. Enrolment is dependent on funding being confirmed and the student’s ability to meet the eligibility criteria.
*Eligibility criteria apply
Skills Australia institute also offers full-fee courses.
Please visit our website OR contact us at +61 8 8120 4186 for more information.
Additional information on Jobs and Skills is available from